Apricot-yellow buds open to shallowly cupped, many petalled rosettes. They are a beautiful blend of subtle apricot-pink and soft yellow, giving the overall impression of apricot, with creamy outer petals. There is a superb floral myrrh fragrance, with hints of honey and Tea. It forms a short, vigorous climber. The name was inspired by the heroine of Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd.
For almost 60 years, David Austin Roses have been grown on their family farm in Shropshire. Much of the process is still carried out by hand, with every David Austin rose having been hand-budded, a traditional and intricate skill, and grown in dedicated rose fields in England, keeping English roses, truly English.
Key Features
- Colour: Apricot
- Family: English Climbing Rose
- Position: Full Sun
- Ideal for obelisks and arches
- Height: 10ft (3m)
Fragrance: Medium-strong, Myrrh
All David Austin roses have a collective style with beautiful blooms and in most cases wonderful fragrance held on graceful attractive shrubs. A garden of these outstanding roses is hard to beat for sheer exuberance of flower and fragrance.